Friday, November 19, 2004

Farming "Lobies" in Australia

On the wires late yesterday, news of one of the first hatchery bred lobster to come out of Australia.
It appears, farmers at Tasmania's Aquaculture Institute are celebrating the production of the country's first hatchery-bred rock lobster. Researchers have successfully reared a larval lobster from eggs spawned in captivity at the Marine Research Laboratories near Hobart, according to the Australian Broadcast Channel.

While thousands of larvae have been bred, one which transformed into a tiny rock lobster at 1:00am yesterday is the first to survive, according to the story.

This got me to thinking about the struggling wild lobster fishery here in New England, and wondering if there are any private farmers here in the region trying to farm our tasty version of the lobster family. Growing up on Martha's Vineyard, I know that the state has funded, on and off, the Lobster Hatchery here. But I am sure that is a government funded program. Those lobsters, once grown, were returned to the sea to restore the wild stock. I was looking for private sector programs that farmed and then sold directly to the market. I am contacting some experts in the field and hope to get back with more. If you know of any New England aquafarmer's doing lobsters let us know. Thanks,


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